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Changes to Customs Law No. 4458: New Tax Rates For Imported Goods

Home > News > Official Gazette of The Republic of Turkey > Changes to Customs Law No. 4458: New Tax Rates For Imported Goods

With the Presidential Decree published in the Official Gazette on 06.08.2024, changes were made to the Decision on the Implementation of Certain Provisions of the Customs Law No. 4458.

(1) On the value of goods arriving by post or fast cargo transportation to an individual, which do not present a commercial quantity or nature, and whose value does not exceed 30 Euros, and medicinal goods whose value does not exceed 1500 Euros;

a) If coming directly from European Union countries, 30%,
b) If coming from other countries, 60%,
c) If the goods are listed in the (IV) numbered list annexed to the Special Consumption Tax Law No. 4760 dated 6/6/2002, an additional flat tax of 20% on top of the above rates shall be collected.

The decision will come into force 15 days after 06.08.2024.

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