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Regulation on The Trade of Motor Vehicles Published in The Official Gazette

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Regulation on the Trade of Motor Vehicles Published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey on 27.08.2024.

Pursuant to the Regulation on the Trade of Motor Vehicles, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey on 27.08.2024, it is prohibited to market or sell second-hand motor vehicles within the scope of commercial activities without obtaining an authorization certificate from the Provincial Directorate of Commerce. If more than three second-hand motor vehicles are sold within a calendar year, this activity will be considered commercial.

Applications for the Authorization Certificate will be made through the Motor Vehicle Trade Information System, which will be established by the Ministry of Commerce, and must be supported by documents proving that the conditions required for the issuance of the Authorization Certificate have been met.

In cases where the buyer agrees to pay part of the sales price for unregistered (new) vehicles in advance, and the seller commits to transferring and delivering the vehicle to the buyer after the price is partially or fully paid, a purchase order form must be drawn up in writing or electronically.

The ordered vehicle must be delivered to the buyer within the period specified in the purchase order form and within a maximum of 45 days.

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